IdenticalFlashThe intense pulsed light therapy device is only used in medical institutions to treat vascular skin diseases and superficial pigmentary skin diseases, reduce hair, and treat mild to moderate inflammatory acne (acne vulgaris).
The intense pulsed light (lPL) device utilizes high-intensity pulses of light to irradiate the skin.This light is selectively absorbed by hemoglobin, melanin, and sebaceous glands within the skin, generating photothermal effects that damage target tissues. The resulting therapeutic outcomes include skin rejuvenation,improvement of skin photo aging, removal of skin pigmentation and acne, reduction of telangiectasia, and hair removal.
Registration certificate number: 苏械注准20242091546
Quickly replace the filter to save operation time.
Combined with semiconductor refrigeration chips, it effectively reduces the thermal sensation during the treatment process and improves patient comfort.
The average energy of the emitted pulses is consistent throughout the entire process, and all parameters are adjustable, achieving full parameter controllability of the sub pulses.
Such as fault prompts, temperature and energy monitoring, one key emergency stop button, etc., ensure the safety of the treatment process.
IdenticalFlashThe intense pulsed light therapy device is only used in medical institutions to treat vascular skin diseases and superficial pigmentary skin diseases, reduce hair, and treat mild to moderate inflammatory acne (acne vulgaris).
Copyright © Suzhou Foremed Legend Technology Co., Ltd.